Friday, March 27, 2020

How to Do Significant Figures in Chemistry

How to Do Significant Figures in ChemistryIn order to be successful in learning how to do significant figures in chemistry, it is necessary that you learn a variety of tools and techniques. These include both math and chemistry. It is also important to understand the rules of chemistry. There are many different choices available for you to help you learn how to do significant figures in chemistry.You will have to learn a technique or several techniques. One of the best ways to learn how to do significant figures in chemistry is by using a book. There are many text books that are geared toward helping you learn how to do significant figures in chemistry. These books come in many different formats and are designed to help you in both math and chemistry. Some of these books can even help you learn how to do significant figures in chemistry while studying at home.In addition to books, there are also printed versions of these books. These are very helpful for helping you learn how to do s ignificant figures in chemistry. They can help you understand the principles of the method for learning. There are also audio programs available which can be listened to, but these are not nearly as helpful as the books are.There are many resources available to help you learn how to do significant figures in chemistry. These resources are designed to help you learn the best way possible. In order to help you, they are designed to include all of the different pieces that are necessary for you to learn how to do significant figures in chemistry.One of the best resources that you can use to learn how to do significant figures in chemistry is through video or audios. Using a video or audio program will allow you to learn the various steps that you need to follow in order to learn how to do significant figures in chemistry. They will show you how to do all of the different steps and will also teach you about what the rules of the method are.In addition to learning the different steps tha t you need to take to learn how to do significant figures in chemistry, the book will also teach you about the importance of understanding the rules of the method. They will teach you the difference between knowing the rules and following them.By using all of the different resources available, you will be able to learn how to do significant figures in chemistry. You will be able to use the math for it, and you will be able to use the various aspects of chemistry to help you learn how to do significant figures in chemistry. Remember, if you want to be successful in this area, you need to learn a variety of things and learn to use them in order to be successful.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Important Factors in An Exam Prep Program

Important Factors in An Exam Prep Program Applying to college is exciting and nerve-racking for teens. All of the hard work of high school becomes incredibly important as teens bring it all togetherthe transcript, grade point average, letters of recommendation and moreand assemble their applications. College entrance exam scores are a significant factor in admission too. Make sure your teen prepares effectively for the SAT or ACT with an exam prep program. What should you look for when selecting one? Here are six musts: Customized for each student Studying for the SAT or ACT is made easier when teens know their individual strengths and weaknesses and can focus their study plan. Parents should make sure that their teens receive a diagnostic evaluation at the start of any exam prep program. That assessment of subject-matter knowledge and skills will serve as the baseline for the study program. Structured and scheduled The most effective exam prep program will be scheduled based on teens precise needs in each exam subject and overall score goals (which might be driven by their college of choice). Certain subjects might need more attention than others, and thus, more time and focus. Highly knowledgeable teachers Studying for the SAT and/or ACT is different than studying for a regular test. Its best to work with tutors who are trained in college entrance exam prep. Teens will learn the best working with tutors who know the exams well and understand both the unique structure of each exam and the best strategies for exam preparation and success. A focus on test-taking strategies for each exam The SAT and ACT are similar in what they cover, but there are many distinctions teens need to understand in order to adjust their approach to each exam. For example, students cannot use a calculator on the SAT math test. And in the reading test, students get 22.5 more seconds per question on the SAT than on the ACT. Bottom line: knowing such differences (and how to approach different parts of the exams) is critical. Test practice The best test prep programs incorporate full-length, timed, practice exams. These help teens get comfortable pacing themselves on different question types and allow them to get a feel for the actual exam setting. Prep materials for outside practice Lets face it: to boost their SAT/ACT scores, teens need to put in the work outside of the hours theyre with their exam prep tutor. Additional resources and materials help teens practice questions and focus on areas/subjects on their own time. Not all SAT and ACT prep programs are created equal. If you decide your teen needs individualized help, make sure you invest in a proven test prep program that has helped many high school students perform their best. Huntingtons SAT and ACT preparatory programs are individualized for each students needs and focused on guiding students toward achieving success. For more about our process, exam prep curriculum and more, call us at 1-800 CAN LEARN.

Irvine History Tutor 5 Tips to Study for a History Final

Irvine History Tutor 5 Tips to Study for a History Final Irvine History Tutoring: 5 Tips to Study for a History Final Finals week is not so far away, and students will need to study for each and every subject. Every student in middle and high school will be studying for at least one history final and will need to make sure they have their dates, VIPs, and cause effect learned by heart before they sit down to complete the exam. History is a huge a subject in that pretty much everything leading up to today is considered a part of history. Whether a student is in a highly specific course such as AP art history or a broad survey course like 9th grade US history, their study strategy will be largely the same. Theres a lot of memorization, correlation, and understanding of the personal interaction between people and cultures our private Irvine history tutors will help you score high on your history final. 1.   Dates and timelines History is made up of a giant timeline filled with tons of important dates that students have to memorize in order to ace those final exams. Its definitely essential for students to know when important things happened but also realize that there are giant spans of time in between elections, wars and conflicts, and cross-cultural connections. Just memorizing a date wont give a student a full understanding of events so they are, encouraged to read about each important historical situation and discover how it affected things that occurred later on. 2.   Correlation and cause effect There are so many things found within history that correlate with each other in some way and/or have an important cause effect. For instance, two things might have happened in different countries at the very same time that later affected the connections between those two cultures. Also, the end of one conflict might have started the beginning of another one. History is full of fascinating connections that students should understand both for their interest and for the grade on their final exam. Complicated connections may require further explanation from a classroom teacher or supplemental tutor so that students get why one event occurred and how it affected people and places within that timeframe. 3.   Understanding VIPs There are tons of critical people that students should learn about to do well on a history exam. Students should make sure they know about politicians, royalty, soldiers, and others who played a big part in moving history closer to the present. Additionally, students should take the time to learn about everyday people within history and what their lives might have been like. Dont forget, these people made up about 95% of most populations and so looking into a day in their life can give students a good understanding of what happened during that time frame and, as a result, help them understand how to answer questions on an exam. 4.   Communicating thoughts clearly In addition to understanding textbooks and handouts about historical events, students need to write about them in a series of passages, free response questions, or essays. Its essential for students of history to be able to clearly and concisely communicate their thoughts so that the reader -in this case, their teacher- understands the point the student is trying to get across. Effective writers do a great job of answering questions thoroughly but not wasting time on unnecessary words. This is an essential skill for a history student or a student of any subject at the middle or high school level. 5.   History repeats itself Its beneficial for students to know that history repeats itself, which is to say most things occur in a cycle. This will help students understand why we have one war and then another or why advancements occur during different time periods. Times are good, and then they are bad. Countries are allies, and then they are enemies. Students who can grasp this overall theory will often do a much better job of answering test questions and writing free response passages. This is another complex topic that students might want to talk about with their classroom teacher or tutor before they sit down to take their exam at the end of the year. Its never too early or too late to start prepping for your history final with the help of a private Irvine history tutor. Call us today to learn more. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Supreme Court Backs Abortion Rights

Supreme Court Backs Abortion Rights This overruling is being referred to as one of the “strongest endorsements” of abortion rights in the U.S. The ruling was 5 to 3 against the law, claiming that it “placed an undue burden on women exercising their right under the U.S. Constitution to end a pregnancy,” a law that was established during the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. This law was challenged by the abortion providers themselves with the claim that the law was making it too difficult to get an abortion, placing unnecessary restrictions specifically intended to close out the clinics. However, Texas officials claim that this law was simply put in place to protect women’s health during abortion procedures. And with the decision made by the Supreme Court, it’s now likely that similar laws in other states around the country will be ruled unconstitutional, meaning many other abortion restrictions may be reversed in some of the more conservative states. This is good for women’s rights, but will spark controversy as many conservative people don’t believe abortion should be legal at all. According to Jennifer Dalven, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union, “The decision should send a loud signal to politicians that they can no longer hide behind sham rationales to shut down clinics and prevent a woman who has decided to end a pregnancy from getting the care she needs.” According to President Barack Obama, he is “pleased to see the Supreme Court protect women’s rights and health” as such restrictions “harm women’s health and place an unconstitutional obstacle in the path of a woman’s reproductive freedom.” Perhaps most surprising is that conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy actually joined the liberal members in this ruling, leaving only three justices dissenting. According to the court’s ruling, “both key provisions of the law requiring abortion doctors to have difficult-to-obtain ‘admitting privileges’ at a local hospital and requiring clinics to have costly hospital-grade facilities violated a woman’s right to an abortion.” According to Justice Stephen Breyer (one of the liberal justices), “We conclude that neither of these provisions offers medical benefits sufficient to justify the burdens upon access that each imposes … Each places a substantial obstacle in the path of women seeking a pre-viability abortion, each constitutes an undue burden on abortion access, and each violates the federal Constitution … questions of medical uncertainty is also inconsistent with this court’s case law.” The case was Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt and it’s the biggest trial in regards to abortion rights since the rights were first granted to women in the 1992 ruling. According to abortion rights activist Marcela Howell, “We’re ecstatic. The reality is today women won.” The restrictive law in question was passed back in 2013 by a Republican majority legislature and was signed by a Republican governor, and 10 states have admitting privilege requirements and six have laws regarding hospital-grade facilities. Of course, not everyone is happy with the ruling. According to the Republican Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, “The decision erodes states’ lawmaking authority to safeguard the health and safety of women and subjects more innocent life to being lost. Texas’ goal is to protect innocent life, while ensuring the highest health and safety standards for women.” But the law was creating major problems, as the number of abortion clinics in Texas dropped from 41 all the way to 19. To put this into perspective, the law required many costly changes to facilities, including such changes as irrelevant as “corridor width, the swinging motion of doors, floor tiles, parking spaces, elevator size, ventilation, electrical wiring, plumbing, floor tiling and even the angle that water flows from drinking fountains.” Essentially, the law was passed to shut down a majority of abortion clinics, and it worked. However, public opinions on the issue are split. An online poll revealed that 47 percent of the population believes abortion should generally be legal while about 42 percent believe abortion should generally be illegal. According to Amy Hagstrom Miller, the founder and CEO of Whole Woman’s Health, “Every day Whole Women’s Health treats our patients with compassion, respect and dignity and today the Supreme Court did the same. We’re thrilled that today justice was served and our clinics stay open.” Hillary Clinton also voiced her opinion on the issue, calling the ruling “a victory for women in Texas and across America … This fight isn’t over. The next president has to protect women’s health. Women won’t be ‘punished’ for exercising their basic rights.” On the opposing end, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (Republican) said, “It’s exceedingly unfortunate that the court has taken the ability to protect women’s health out of the hands of Texas citizens and their duly-elected representatives.” Regardless of your opinion on the issue of abortion, the Supreme Court has spoken, and it’s foreshadowing much more change to come.

Is Starbucks Guilty of Green Washing

Is Starbucks Guilty of Green Washing Photo by Cherrysweetdeal via Flickr Starbucks is the world’s largest coffee house company, with over 20,000 stores in 62 countries. The environmental mission statement of the company claims that it is “committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of the business…” According to their mission statement, they aim to fulfill their goals by “understanding environmental issues”, “developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change”, “striving to buy, sell, and use environmentally friendly products”, and “instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value”. In fact, their website has an entire section dedicated to their environmental cause and it highlights their efforts towards building greener stores, recycling and reducing waste, and ethically sourcing their coffee; but how far does the corporation truly go in accomplishing their mission? The issue of whether Starbucks is sincere in its efforts to promote environmental sustainability or not is frequently under question. Theyve often been accused of green washing, or the practice of using misleading information to present an environmentally responsible public image. Recently, Starbucks released a $1 reusable coffee cup whose design is aimed to create a cost effective way to encourage customers to reduce their waste. The company encourages customers to bring in their reusable cups by offering a 10 cent discount on their coffee refills. By the year 2015, Starbucks aims to increase the behavior of using multi-use cups from the current 1.9% to 5%. However, the benefit of encouraging the use of reusable cups depends on several factors. Some important considerations include the average number of uses that the cup gets (estimated to be roughly about one month of use), the impact of the plastic used in the production of the cup, the issue of the possibility of cross-contaminat ion of germs and the potential of negative health impacts for humans or the fact that the reusable cups are produced in China and must be transported to the United States. The idea of integrating a reusable cup in the everyday routine of coffee drinkers would be immensely beneficial in reducing the waste incurred by disposable cups, as roughly one billion cups a year are consumed by Starbucks coffee drinkers alone. Most Starbucks cups cannot be recycled in paper recycling systems because of the plastic lining inside the cups that keeps liquids from running out. The plastic lining in coffee cups was a concept developed by Starbucks to end the wasteful practice of double cupping hot beverages, but while solving one problem, it created another. Additionally, Starbucks was the first company to create cups that contain 10% post consumer recycled content, which is estimated to save thousands of trees, save half a million gallons of waste water, and several million pounds of garbage from landfills. Additionally, Starbucks claims to be an organization that “strives to instill environmental responsibility. However, in 2008 the wasteful water practices of the company came under great scrutiny when it was discovered that nearly 6.2 million gallons of water were being wasted a day. The company employed the use of dipper because it was believed to be the more sanitary option for washing spoons. After the discovery of such immense water waste, Starbucks pledged to reduce water consumption by 25% in company owned stores by the year 2015, and quickly began to look for alternative spoon washing methods. Since 2008, there has been a decrease in water waste by 17.7%, which may be an improvement, but ultimately these wasteful practices and the claim of being environmentally conscious or responsible closely resemble the practice of green marketing, a corporation’s attempt to associate its products, services, or identity with environmentalism. Ultimately, the claim that they are a company who aims to “buy, sell, and use environmentally friendly products” is a bit of an oxymoron. The coffee industry in and of itself is not sustainable. The cultivation of coffee requires that the native vegetation of tropical countries be removed so that the soils become vulnerable to erosion and loss of topsoil. Coffee also has a very large water footprint, requiring 140 liters of water to produce a single cup of coffee. By promoting coffee consumption, Starbucks is only perpetuating the growth of consumerism under the guise of environmental responsibility.

Dr. Zareh Enthusiastically Recommends TutorZ

Dr. Zareh Enthusiastically Recommends TutorZ Dr. Zareh Darakjian a theoretical chemist and Ph.D holder of Computational and Physical Chemistry in Fresno, CA endorsed TutorZ LLC in general and his founder Dirk Wagner in particular by writing: Thank you TutorZ for all the years during which you referred students in need of help and guidance in various subject areas, to me. Thank you for acting as this very efficient bridge between students and tutors/teachers. Your service is much appreciated. Dirk Wagner, owner of  TutorZ, has proven to be an untiring and ever-vigilant captain at the helm. In spite of his being very busy with questions and requests arriving at his desk from all directions, Dirk has been a very good owner-manager in terms of responding in a very timely manner and helping an any way he can. TutorZ has my enthusiastic and unbridled recommendation. Dr. Zareh Darakjia Fresno, CA Thank you Dr. Zareh for such a kind and generous recommendation! It is because of tutors like you that we enjoy our work so much. I wish us continued success in our professional partnership. Dirk Wagner Founder of TutorZ LLC

What Is An Advertised Adept Tutor?

What Is An Advertised Adept Tutor?What is an avid tutor? If you are one of the many individuals who regularly spend time studying and earning money by tutoring people at the church, high school, university, or college, then you probably have an avid tutor on your hands. The term means a person who spends hours of their spare time working at the task of tutoring others and this can be at home, in their office, at the local library, or on the internet. This individual also takes on the additional burden of driving a car to the location where they will tutor, as they will not drive the automobile themselves.Tutoring does not just come with experience, and it is not limited to those of any particular age or gender. Individuals with children and babies in daycare have tutors who sit in the background waiting for them to bring in the children while the adult teacher focuses on the youngsters. If you have children at home or babysitting work, an avid tutor can help you out in your duties, w hether it be watching your kids or maybe teaching them a song or two while you enjoy a glass of wine.Most people tend to think that one time spent helping another individual is equivalent to one time spent helping themselves. While this is the case in many situations, some activities require a bit more than a pair of hands. Parents may need to pick up their children, or drive them to their appointment. They may need to talk to the tutor about a problem, ask a question, or perhaps talk about some grievances they are having.One of the main reasons why individuals have an avid tutor is because they can see some potential in the student. Since they spend so much time watching and assisting each other and learning from one another, this can give them a unique insight into the person that they are looking to educate. There is an undeniable value in receiving information from those that have a background in their field.What makes someone so valuable to a tutor as well as the tutor to the t utor is that they usually have the necessary tools and devices that will help them to tutor anyone. Some individuals enjoy using laptops, or even tablets in their daily pursuits, which makes teaching through an interactive application a more feasible option. Often times, they will take the tablets or laptops off the table when teaching, which helps encourage those who may want to carry them around.One of the best reasons for having an avid tutor, is that they will help out when it is most needed. The time spent with the tutor has to be better spent doing more productive things, rather than taking a break from your classroom to chat with a tutor who has more students than you do!Tutoring is a great way to have fun, earn money, and see your child you have been helping grow. This will only be better if you consider it an investment. To learn more about tutoring, you can click on the link below to learn more about tutoring and the benefits it offers.